Qualified Rigger and Signal Person

Qualified Rigger and Signal Person
Location:United States
Call 208-586-2161
This class covers the general requirements found in OSHA’S 1926.1400 and 1910.184 standards. Classroom learning includes the following:
- Planning at the load hook
- Sling Operating Practices
- Hitches and Load Control
- Calculating the Load and Center of Gravity
- Rigging Triangle Basics
- Calculating Sling Tension
- Application of Rigging Hardware – Shackles, hooks, etc.
- Inspection of Rigging Hardware
- Hand and Voice Signals
Hands-on exercises include:
- Inspection of Wire Rope Slings
- Inspection of Chain Slings
- Inspection of Synthetic Web and Round Slings
- Tagline Knots
- Application of Rigging Gear through various rigging practical and hoisting exercises.
- Demonstration of hand and voice signals using the crane simulator and/or live crane.
Upon successful completion of this class, students will receive a qualified rigger and signal person certification good for 5 years.